Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Having a High Self

Having a High Self-Esteem Essay Self esteem is instilled in us at a young age. My mom always taught me how important it was to have confidence in myself and that no matter what anyone thought, it’s always important to believe in myself. If you don’t have confidence in yourself its hard to look in the mirror and think wow, I look great today. Improving your self esteem increases your confidence and it’s the first step towards a happy life. Self concept and who we think we are is very important in ones life. When I say I am ambitious, I am amazing, I am goal oriented, I am loving, I use these words to describe myself because I am confident in myself and believe these things. The characteristics we use to describe ourselves and how we view ourselves are important because it relates to how we act and communicate with people. Self esteem is important because it influences how we approach people and how you react in communications and relationships. As a child, if people such as classmates or siblings make fun of you or made you feel negative about yourself, you will believe these negative things and in some way let it shape your life. We are more likely to believe things once weve heard them repeatedly and especially from the people who we find to be credible. In most cases, one cares how they look in the eyes of other people. You may not even realize but when you put on makeup, dress a certain way or ask someone if â€Å"these jeans make you me look fat? † This is because you are concerned how others may view you. If someone tells you yes, those jeans make you look fat; you may begin to view yourself as less attractive. If that someone is a credible person and they say the jeans look good on you, you will feel appealing. Society and the people around you can alter your self esteem, unless you are just a cocky individual and nobody’s opinion matter. This refers to Charles Cooley’s, The Looking Glass Self; you see the image of yourself that others reveal to you. In order to possess a positive or healthy self concept you must know yourself, love yourself and be true to yourself. How you view yourself determines how you will experience life. If you see yourself in a positive and healthy way, your life experiences will be positive and healthy. Sometimes I feel like its okay to have high self esteem but not always be confident in yourself. Personally, I feel like I have my good days and my bad days, especially on a good hair day. I feel like a super model on a good day and a homeless person on a bad day. It’s important to have confidence in yourself because if you don’t, nobody else will. I am a great friend. Whenever a friend of mine needs a shoulder to lean on or a favor, I feel like I am always there to help them. The more I feel like I am a good friend and my friends agree with this, this is my self fulfilling prophecy. My prediction is fulfilling because I am acting on this as if it were true. Society shapes us in many ways. On instagram recently there was a challenge called â€Å"#PrettyFaceChallenge. Similar to the Ice bucket challenge, but has less meaning. The idea is for woman to post a collage of pictures of themselves wearing no makeup and using no filter. The goal is to nominate your friends whom you choose to be pretty. Than they do the challenge if they choose and nominate their friends as well. This is society shaping us by having our friends decide if were pretty. In a way it’s boosting our self esteem by being nominated and â€Å"feeling pretty. † I am motivated. I am a hard worker, I have drive, I have ambition. I have nice skin, I have great communication skills, and I am a great partner. Having confidence in ourselves goes beyond physical appearance and has a lot to do with living a healthy and happy lifestyle.

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